Scientists conducting experiments on the site formerly known as San Diego discovered that the May 25, 2008 baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the San Diego Padres, well known as a geologic period in Earth's history, was in fact, still occurring.
"We just decided to go check out the dusty remains of Petco Park, and lo and behold, Dusty Baker was still there double switching," reported dig foreman John Lyman. "We didn't think it was possible, but apparently they just established this baseball game as some sort of underground self-sustaining city, living on well preserved hot dogs and non dairy frosty malts for the last several generations."
The remnants of a decaying musty scorecard indicated that at last count, Corey Patterson had gone roughly 0 for 880 with 390 strikeouts and no walks.
"We just decided to go check out the dusty remains of Petco Park, and lo and behold, Dusty Baker was still there double switching," reported dig foreman John Lyman. "We didn't think it was possible, but apparently they just established this baseball game as some sort of underground self-sustaining city, living on well preserved hot dogs and non dairy frosty malts for the last several generations."
The remnants of a decaying musty scorecard indicated that at last count, Corey Patterson had gone roughly 0 for 880 with 390 strikeouts and no walks.